1. Types of dentist procedures
  2. Other dental procedures
  3. Root canals

Root Canals: Explaining the Procedure and Benefits

Learn more about root canals, what it involves and what the benefits are. Get all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Root Canals: Explaining the Procedure and Benefits

When it comes to dental care, root canals are one of the most common and important procedures. Root canals can be used to save a tooth that has been damaged due to decay, trauma, or disease. But what is a root canal and what are its benefits? In this article, we will explain the procedure and benefits of root canals and why they are so important for your oral health. Root canals have been around for centuries and have been a major part of dentistry for many years. The procedure involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from inside the root canal system of a tooth.

This procedure helps to prevent further damage and infection to the tooth, which can lead to more serious issues down the line. Root canals can be used to treat a variety of different conditions such as cavities, infection, and trauma. They can also help to prevent further damage from occurring by allowing the dentist to fill in any gaps or holes that may exist in the tooth. This helps to protect the tooth from further damage and decay. The benefits of root canals are many. They can help to restore a tooth that has been damaged or decayed to its original state and prevent further damage from occurring.

They can also help to reduce pain and discomfort caused by an infection or injury. In addition, root canals can help to improve the appearance of a tooth, allowing it to look more natural and healthy. Root canals are an important part of dental care and should be considered when dealing with any dental issue. Knowing more about the procedure and its benefits can help you make an informed decision about your oral health.

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure that is used to treat infected or damaged teeth. During a root canal, the infected or damaged tissue inside the tooth is removed and replaced with an inert material.

This allows the tooth to be saved from further damage or decay. The procedure involves drilling into the tooth to access the infected or damaged tissue. The affected area is then cleaned and sealed with a rubber-like material. The new material fills in the space, protecting the tooth and preventing infection from reoccurring.

After the procedure, a crown or other restoration may be placed over the tooth to restore its shape and strength. Root canals are often recommended when a cavity is too large to be treated with a filling, or when there is an infection in the pulp of the tooth. Root canals can also be used to treat cracked or broken teeth, as well as teeth that have been damaged by trauma.

Root canals

are a beneficial treatment option for many people, as they can help save a tooth that would otherwise need to be extracted.

The procedure is relatively quick and painless, and there is usually no need for sedation or anesthesia.

Benefits of a Root Canal

A root canal is an effective treatment for saving a damaged or infected tooth. The procedure removes the infection, prevents further decay, and protects the tooth from further damage. It also helps to reduce pain, improve oral health, and restore the tooth's natural functioning and appearance.

The primary benefit of a root canal is that it stops the spread of infection and preserves the natural tooth structure. The procedure helps to reduce pain and inflammation, and can improve your oral health. A root canal also helps to restore the tooth to its natural shape and color, and gives you back your full chewing and biting ability. A root canal can also help prevent the need for more extensive dental work in the future.

By removing the infection and preventing further decay, a root canal helps to preserve your tooth's structure and prevent further damage. This can save you time, money, and discomfort in the long run. Finally, a root canal can improve your overall oral health. By treating the infected or damaged tooth with a root canal, you can help to prevent other teeth from becoming infected or damaged.

This can help to maintain good oral hygiene and keep your mouth healthy.

What Happens During a Root Canal Procedure?

A root canal procedure is a dental treatment that involves the removal of damaged or infected pulp from the inner chamber of a tooth. The pulp contains blood vessels, nerves, and other tissue and is responsible for providing nutrition to the tooth. During a root canal, the pulp is removed from the tooth, and the chamber is filled with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha.

The tooth is then sealed with a crown or filling to prevent further damage or decay. The process of having a root canal can take multiple visits to the dentist. During the first visit, your dentist will take x-rays and assess the condition of your tooth. If it appears that a root canal is necessary, your dentist will clean and prepare the tooth, then remove the pulp. The chamber and root canals will be cleaned and enlarged with small instruments, before being filled with gutta-percha. The final step in the root canal process is to place a filling or crown over the affected area.

This will help protect the tooth from further damage and restore its strength and function. The entire process may take multiple visits, depending on the severity of your condition. Root canal procedures are generally very safe, but there are some potential risks and complications that you should be aware of. Depending on the severity of your condition, you may experience some discomfort during the procedure. Additionally, there is a risk of damage to the surrounding teeth or tissue.

Your dentist can discuss any potential risks or complications with you prior to starting the procedure.

Aftercare Following a Root Canal Procedure

After having a root canal procedure, it is important to follow the aftercare instructions given by your dentist. This includes proper cleaning of the treated tooth, avoiding certain foods and activities, and taking antibiotics as prescribed. Following these instructions will help ensure that the root canal is successful and that you do not experience any further problems. It is important to keep your treated tooth clean and healthy. A common aftercare measure is to brush the treated tooth twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

This will help remove plaque and bacteria that can cause further damage. It is also important to floss around the treated tooth at least once a day. Flossing helps remove plaque and food particles that brushing cannot reach. Avoiding certain foods and activities is also important after a root canal procedure. Avoid eating hard or crunchy foods that may damage the treated area.

Also, avoid chewing gum or smoking, as these activities can put pressure on the treated tooth and increase the risk of infection. Additionally, it is important to take any antibiotics prescribed by your dentist as directed. Following these aftercare instructions can help ensure that your root canal treatment is successful and that you do not experience any further problems with the treated tooth. If you have any questions or concerns about your aftercare instructions, contact your dentist for more information.

Alternatives to a Root Canal

If a root canal is not suitable for a patient, there are other treatment options that can be explored. Depending on the extent of the damage, the dentist may suggest a filling, crown, or extraction.

A filling is used to fill in cavities in the tooth and restore it to its original shape. A crown is a cap that fits over the entire tooth and helps protect it from further damage. An extraction is the complete removal of a damaged tooth. In some cases, the dentist may recommend a pulp capping procedure. This involves placing a protective material over the nerve and soft tissue of the tooth in order to prevent infection.

Another option is a direct or indirect pulp capping, which involves placing medication directly onto the exposed pulp. If a root canal is not an option, the dentist may recommend endodontic surgery. This type of surgery involves removing infected tissue, cleaning out the damaged area, and sealing off the root canals. This procedure can help prevent further damage and help preserve the tooth. No matter which option is chosen, it’s important to discuss all available treatments with your dentist so you can make an informed decision about what’s best for your oral health.

Types of Root Canals

Root canals come in a variety of types and the type chosen will depend on the extent of the damage and infection in the tooth. Endodontists are specialists in performing root canals and they typically use one of the following five types of root canals.


Apexification is a procedure that is used when the root of the tooth has not yet fully developed.

In this procedure, the endodontist will place a mineral substance into the root to help promote the growth of the root and encourage it to finish forming. This is a good option for young patients who are still in their formative years.


An apicectomy is a procedure used when there is an infection at the tip of the root of a tooth. This procedure involves removing the tip of the root and then sealing it with a filling. This is often done to prevent the infection from spreading to other areas or if the infection is too deep for regular root canal therapy.


Retreatment is when a root canal has been performed, but it has failed to resolve the issue.

This may be due to further damage or an undetected infection. In this case, the endodontist may need to perform another root canal to ensure that all of the infected or damaged tissue is removed.

Surgical Endodontics

Surgical endodontics is a more complex procedure than a traditional root canal. It involves making an incision in the gum to get access to the underlying bone. The endodontist then removes any infected tissue or debris and cleans out the area.

Once this is done, they can fill the area with a special material to seal it off and prevent further infection.

Root Canal Re-Treatment

Root canal re-treatment is similar to retreatment, but instead of performing another root canal, the endodontist will use special instruments to try and clean out any remaining infected material. This is usually done if the original root canal was not successful or if new damage or infection has occurred since then. The type of root canal chosen for a particular patient will depend on their individual situation and needs. An endodontist will be able to assess the situation and recommend which type of root canal would be best for that patient. Root canals are an important dental procedure used to remove infection and save teeth from further damage or decay. There are different types of root canals and the procedure generally involves the removal of the infected pulp and the cleaning and shaping of the canal.

The benefits of a root canal include saving the tooth from extraction, reducing pain, preventing further infection, and maintaining natural tooth structure. Alternatives to a root canal include a dental crown, a filling, or tooth extraction. Aftercare following a root canal includes regular brushing and flossing and maintaining regular dental visits. Overall, root canals are an important treatment option for many people.

If there is any concern or issue with a tooth, it is best to contact a dentist right away to determine the best course of treatment.

Gordon Cuesta
Gordon Cuesta

Evil bacon ninja. Freelance pizza fan. Professional student. Devoted troublemaker. Hipster-friendly social media enthusiast.